Gustavo Sousa Apps

Grocery Prices History

This App will make your grocery shopping on the budget and it will also track the price variation for any product you purchase.
Very easy to dynamically create a purchase list even before the checkout, it can verify the product history for the product that you have scanned previously.
Main Features
- Designed to be easy and quick to create the purchase items list.
- Easy way to quick add/remove items in the purchase list.
- Easy Calculator to sum the total value from the purchase events.
- OCR feature to read the receipts image after the checkout.
- Track the Product Barcode Price history.
- View the price history before adding to the cart and check for variation if the same product is on the history.
- Prices variation chart view.
- Export all the purchase lists to CSV files.
Production Time Study

Perform Time Study for Industrial activities including cyclic and non-cyclic events using decimals minute stopwatch which it makes easier for calculation. It is recommended for both manual tasks analysis and machine cycle time verification.
Easy to use it, tap New Time Study, choose numbers of tasks elements per Cycle, name the elements and tap Start to begin the Time Study.
Main Features:
- Record Unstoppable Cycle Times( Up to 50 Cyclic Elements Tasks Per Cycle)
- Undo Lap/Split if you accidentally tapped this Button.
- Include Non-Cyclic Occurrences between Cyclic Events.
- Ability to Add Comments for Every Task Element when Time Study is running.
- Able to delete time records updating the Summary calculations
- Summary with Average Cycle Time for Every Cyclic Task.
- Tasks Time Distribution
- JPH(Jobs Per Hour) Calculation
- Email Time Study in HTML format, easy to copy to a spreadsheet.
- Ability to Save Up to 6 Time Studies Records
- Rate of Performance for Every Task Element (40-140%).
- Identification of Minimum, Maximum and Standard Deviation Values for Every Cyclic Task Element.
Tags: Time Study, Work, Motion, Industrial, Productivity, Stopwatch, Cycle Time, Lean Manufacturing, OEE
IE Calculator
IE Calculator is an application designed for Industrial Engineering that allows easy calculation to support the manufacturing planning.
- Production Capacity Calculation based on the cycle time and working pattern
- Takt Time according to volume demand. It can be yearly, weekly, daily or hourly demand.
- Actual JPH(Jobs Per Hour) based on the start and the End Time.
- HPU(Hours Per Unit) - Time required to produce one unit in the manufacturing process.
Tags: Time Study, Work, Motion, Industrial, Productivity, Stopwatch, Cycle Time, Lean Manufacturing, OEE